نگاهی به آیه ولایت

Series of Theological researches (4)
A Glance at Guardianship Verse
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husayni Milani

The revelation circumstances of the guardianship (wilayah) verse and also the way it is reasoned were mentioned in brief, thank Heaven. At the same time, the most important arguments and questions raised about this verse were answered. As it was already mentioned, there are some other hadiths such as Ghadir hadith, Wilayah hadith, etc. in hadith sources؛ each of which speaks about the imamate of Imam Ali, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) that all certify our reasoning over the verse.
Of course, it can hardly be supposed that any free-thinking human who is seeking for the truth and does not stray from the justice path has any doubt about the authenticity, trueness, and acceptance of the thiite argument over this verse of the Holy Qurr’an and he/she hesitates in Imam Ali’s imamate, and remains doubtful because this verse is one of the reasons that proves the imamate of Ali b. Abi Talib (peace be upon him) and his preference to the faithful and the same preference claimed for God and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) will be proved for Ali (peace be upon him).
Therefore, Ali is the guardian and Master of believers the same as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) has guardianship over all believers.
It is obvious that such virtue and merit has been proved for no one but the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) and in all researches it has been emphasibed that whenever we have to specialibe the guardianship between either of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) or Abu Bakr, such a merit and virtue exclusively belongs to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr never enjoys such a rank. to imamate and guardianship exclusively belong to him.

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