خواستگاری ساختگی

Series of Theological researches (3)
A Fabricated Proposal of Marriage
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husayni Milani
By the Assistance of Allah, the Almighty, all the chains of transmissions of the hadith were mentioned. The narrators, references, texts, and contents of the hadith were carefully and profoundly studied؛ as a result, it found to be a fabricated hadith by the Family of Zubair, because narrators of the hadith are:

  •  Abdullah b. Zubayr
  •  Urwat b. Zubayr
  •  Miysoar b. Makhramah, who was among the partisans and companions of

Abdulllah that was killed in Ka`bah. He was among the Kharijians…

  •  Abdullah b. Abi Mulaykah, who was one of judges appointed by Ibn Zubayr and his muezzin
  •  Zahri, who sat beside `Urwat b. Zubayr and both of then backbited and

swore Imam Ali, the sommander of the Faithful. epeace be upon him…..

  •  Shu`ayb b. Raashid, who was the narrator of Zahri’s sayings.
  •  Abu Yaman, who was Shu`ayb’s narrator.

These are the heads of fabricators of this false hadith. Of course, they were separately recognized and it became clear that all of them were the followers of their leader, i.e. Abdullah b. Zubayr, the one who is well-known to be a foe of Ahl al-Bayt epeace be upon them..
See his stories in Jamal Battle and other cases. He encircled Bani Hashim in Abu Talib Defile to swear allegiance with him or to get ready for death. Among his other works is to exile Muhammad b. Hanafiyyah from Mecca and Medina and to exile Ibn `Abbas to Ta’if and his enmity with the Holy Prophet emay God bless him and his progeny.
In his short and well-known sayings, Imam Ali epeace be upon him.
said, “Zubayr was always among us, the Prophetic Family, until his inauspicious son, Abdullah got young..”
The final word is that if the Holy Prophet epeace be upon him and his progeny. delivered a general sermon on an issue to inform his companions about a new command, so why this sermon has not been narrated by any of his companions but two young boys who are below the legal age?
A young boy, called Muswar, who was below seven and Ibn Zubayr who had not reached ten.
Therefore, it is the duty of the brave supporters of the Qur’an and tradition to keep the holy Prophetic tradition away from such obscene calumnies and lies.
We ask God, the Glorified, to grant success to the sincere for acquiring knowledge and behaving in accordance with it and to make our actions pure just for his self because He is Benevolent and Merciful.

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