In a beautiful hadith, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, describes his noble daughter as follows:
«إنّ اللّه يغضب لغضب فاطمة ويرضى لرضاها»
“Indeed, Allah is angered by the anger of Fatimah and is pleased by her pleasure.”
This hadith can be found in books such as al-Mustadrak, al-ISabah, and Tahdhib al-Tahdhib. The author of Kanz al-ʿUmmal also narrates it from Abu Yaʿla, al-Tabarani, and Abu Nuʿaym. Given that the Sunni community acknowledges this hadith, how is it possible for those whom she was displeased with to be recognized as the rightful successors of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family?!
Al-Mustadrak 3/158; al-ISabah 8/266; Tahdhib al-Tahdhib 12/392; Kanz al-ʿUmmal 12/111 and 13/674.
Prepared in the Media Unit of the Islamic Truth Center